Nagomi no Yado Laforet Fukiya - Okayamahotel reservationOTS

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Nagomi no Yado Laforet Fukiya Review average[3.8Point]: All listings are government-licensed.

Address:611, Nariwachofukiya, Takahashi-shi, Okayama
Parking lot:Available, 50 car capacity, free, first-come-first-serve
Nagomi no Yado Laforet Fukiya
Please enjoy relaxed time in hotel nestling in nature in a certain small town.
Would you like to enjoy "your own time" in good old scenery to forget daily life, and to feel wind leisurely? This is a town having the Japan's three biggest copper mines. This city looks standardized due to red color of oxides and it is told to be built by carpenters attracted there from late Edo period to early Meiji period. The city in venetian red which earlier prosperity can be seen even now is there. We are waiting for our guests.
Azalea flowers in front of the hotel
Azalea flowers in front of the hotel
Large communal bath
Large communal bath
Western-style room
Western-style room
Japanese-style room
Japanese-style room
Banquet room
Banquet room
Fukiya Furusato Village, townscape
Fukiya Furusato Village, townscape
Fukiya Furusato Village, townscape
Fukiya Furusato Village, townscape

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Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Nagomi no Yado Laforet Fukiya
Address 611, Nariwachofukiya, Takahashi-shi, Okayama
Access 60 minuted by bus from JR Hakubi Line Bicchu Takahashi Station/40 minutes by car from Chugoku Expressway Niimi IC.
TEL/FAX TEL:0866-29-2000  FAX:0866-29-2005
Parking lot Available, 50 car capacity, free, first-come-first-serve
Total guest rooms 19 rooms
Check-in 15:00 ~ 19:00
Check-out 10:00

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free WiFi Free parking lot Large communal bath Shop, convenience store Restaurant・Dining room Vending machine PC corner Delivery service Smoking area
Facilities common for all rooms TV Refrigerator Electronic hot pot Air cleaner (rental Washroom Hair dryer Tea set Humidifier (rental)
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Body soap Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Hairbrush

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
    credit card is not available when you pay at the hotel
Barrier-free services ・Accessible toilet
Other notices ・Please contact us if you will be arriving after 6pm.
・We do not accept credit cards. Please be aware ahead of time.
・Cell-phone other than Docomo and AU will be out of range.