Guest House Lough Style - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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Guest House Lough Style Review average[3.3Point]: All listings are government-licensed.

Address:2111-5, Ishikawa, Uruma-shi, Okinawa
Parking lot:6 parking spaces, 300 yen per night (tax included), reservation required
Guest House Lough Style
Fully enjoy leisure life on healing Okinawa island
We provide you carefree leisure stay at low price in separate rooms of this house. Enjoy your accommodation in Okinawa.
Common use kitchen
Common use kitchen
Kitchenware tableware, electric appliances are available for free rental.
Room for 2 or more guests
Room for 2 or more guests
The size and interior vary depending on the room.
Room for 2 guests
Room for 2 guests
Clean room for 2 guests
Shower room
Shower room
Common shower room. Shampoo and bodysoap is free
2 common restrooms.
Smoking area
Smoking area
Please smoke on the balcony on the 2nd floor as the entire building is non-smoking.

Change conditions

Change conditions


Room type(0Results)

Hotel access map

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Guest House Lough Style
Address 2111-5, Ishikawa, Uruma-shi, Okinawa
Access Ride from Naha airport by express bus to "Ishikawa interchange" bus station, we provide pick up service from "Ishikawa interchange" bus station (you need to contact us in advance)
TEL/FAX TEL:090-3195-3049  FAX:098-965-6100
Parking lot 6 parking spaces, 300 yen per night (tax included), reservation required
Courtesy bus None
Total guest rooms 11 rooms
Check-in 15:00 ~ 21:00
Check-out 12:00

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free WiFi Vending machine Kitchen Launderette (paid service) PC corner Smoking area Toll parking lot All non-smoking rooms
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Hair dryer Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Toothbrushing set (pay)

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
    credit card is not available when you pay at the hotel
Other notices Please be sure to contact the property if you are late as it may be treated as a cancellation after the check-in time.