ZUMI TERRACE Uchinamiya Resort Miyakojima - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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ZUMI TERRACE Uchinamiya Resort Miyakojima All listings are government-licensed.

Address:783-1 Shimoji-Yonaha, Miyakojima City, Okinawa Prefecture
Parking lot:Yes * Only rental cars from our hotel can be parked. (Please contact us if you are using a private car.)
ZUMI TERRACE Uchinamiya Resort Miyakojima
No need to reserve a rental car separately. The rental car reservation will be confirmed at the same time as the reservation.
All guest rooms are equipped with a kitchenette, washing machine, and dryer.
You can spend the best time with your family and f
No need to reserve a rental car separately. The rental car reservation will be confirmed at the same time as the reservation.
All guest rooms are equipped with a kitchenette, washing machine, and dryer.
You can spend the best time with your family and friends in the barrel sauna and water bath on the terrace.
All rooms are designed differently.
Please select after checking the image, bed size, and number of rooms.
The plan with rental car (Nissan Leaf) is attractive.
The plan with rental car (Nissan Leaf) is attractive.
A rental car plan that does not require a separate reservation is
You can use an electric car that does not require refueling.
Make the most of your time and enjoy a comfortable drive.

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Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel ZUMI TERRACE Uchinamiya Resort Miyakojima
Address 783-1 Shimoji-Yonaha, Miyakojima City, Okinawa Prefecture
Access About 15 minutes by taxi or bus from Miyako Airport / About 1 hour 20 minutes by bus from Shimojishima Airport
TEL/FAX TEL:0980-79-0065  FAX:03-3689-0559
Parking lot Yes * Only rental cars from our hotel can be parked. (Please contact us if you are using a private car.)
Courtesy bus none
Total guest rooms 12
Check-in 15:00 ~ 23:00
Check-out 11:00
Check-in basic information This accomodation's staff is not present 24h.
This accommodation has only self check-in system.
Other Check-in notes We have introduced smart check-in at our hotel.
We will send you a reservation code by e-mail or SMS in advance, so please enter the reservation code on the tablet terminal at the front desk on the day and sign it to complete check-in.
The room key (smart lock) will be provided at check-in.
*Even if you cannot receive a message in advance, you can check in by entering the necessary information on the tablet terminal.
Luggage storage before check-in. Luggage storage is Not available before check-in.
Luggage storage after check out. Luggage storage is Not available after check-out.
About the breakfast This accommodation does not provide breakfast service.
About bed-sharing This accommodation is free for bed-sharing children with 0 to 6 years old.
This accommodation requires 9,100 yen (tax included) per night for co-sleeping children with 6 to 12 years old.
This accommodation requires 6,500 yen (tax included) per night for co-sleeping children with 0 to 6 years old.
The number of co-sleeping guests are limited to 1 per adult.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Sauna Free WiFi All non-smoking rooms Washing machine Clothing dryer Smoking area We are belonging to kitchen in all rooms Free parking lot Kitchen
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Air purifier Washroom Washing machine Washlet toilet Hair dryer Kitchen Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Hairbrush Makeup cotton Nightwear Slippers

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight