Ahman Inn Island Yagaji - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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Ahman Inn Island Yagaji All listings are government-licensed.

Address:217-2, Sumuide, Nago-shi, Okinawa
Parking lot:Free parking available (up to 1 car can be parked per room)
Ahman Inn Island Yagaji
Enjoy the nature of Yagaji Island and the sea of Okinawa
The location is also excellent for access to Kouri Island, which is famous as a tourist destination.
Play in the sea during the day and watch the starry sky at night ...
Experience such a slow life
How about a trip to Okinawa?

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Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Ahman Inn Island Yagaji
Address 217-2, Sumuide, Nago-shi, Okinawa
MAP CODE [Ahman Inn Island Yagaji] mapcode: 485 602 112*62
Access ① About 2 hours by car from Naha Airport (using the highway)
② About 25 minutes by car from Kyoda IC on the Okinawa Expressway
TEL/FAX TEL:098-960-0056  FAX:098-911-7268
Parking lot Free parking available (up to 1 car can be parked per room)
Total guest rooms Four rooms
Check-in 10:00 ~ 19:00  ※Please contact the accommodation facility in advance if it's past 18:00
Check-out 10:00
Check-in basic information This accomodation's staff is not present 24h.
Luggage storage before check-in. Luggage storage is Not available before check-in.
Luggage storage after check out. Luggage storage is Not available after check-out.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free parking lot Fully-equipped kitchen with IH cooker and microwave All non-smoking rooms Free WiFi We are belonging to kitchen in all rooms Kitchen utensil, tableware Washing machine Clothing dryer
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Washroom Washing machine Modular bath Washlet toilet Hair dryer Cooking equipments Crockery tableware Rice cooker Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Toothbrush set

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
Other notices ■About check-in
・The staff will be waiting for you at the hotel according to the scheduled check-in time of your reservation.
・When check-in is changed from planned time, please contact by all means.
・If you would like to change the check-in time on the day of your stay, please contact the following:

Address: 〒 905-1635, 218-14 Sumuide, Nago City, Okinawa
Google search Search by facility name "Cordio Pool & Villas Sumuide"!
Map code: 485 602 112*62 

[Contact information for changing check-in time on the day of stay]
TEL: 098-960-0056 
Mail address: joy7811h@gmail.com

■Because the staff of this accommodation is not resident, please check the following items.
・Please be sure to come at check-in time.
・Check-in is from 15:00 to 19:00.
・The use only for minor person is not accepted.
・Please refrain from making loud sounds as some residents live in this neighborhood.
・It is available to arrange beforehand when you wish to send baggage beforehand.
(We do not store luggage before check-in or after check-out).

※TThere is no room cleaning or amenity exchange during your stay.
Amenity such as towels will be provided only for the first night.