[Sightseeing in Okinawa] "Chanpuru culture" unites unique features of different coutries - Okinawahotel reservationOTS


2015-09-30Sightseeing in Okinawa

[Sightseeing in Okinawa] "Chanpuru culture" unites unique features of different coutries

Like the Okinawa dish "Chanpuru" cooked from tofu, vegetables mixtured and fried with different ingredients, we called Okinawa culture "Chanpuru culture". It is supposed that at the Ryukyu Kingdom Era through trade between China, Japan and South-East Asia countries, many cultures mixed, grown and become a basis for a unique culture. We still understand that inherited spirit of "Chanpuru" when we listen to Okinawa music that is being a mix of folk music with rock and reggae. In addition, since Okinawa culture easily makes contact with others there are various arts like crafts and festivals. Speaking of beautiful and stand out arts, 13 objects were chosen by designation of Minister of Economy Trade and Industry as traditional crafts and Okinawa has the 3rd place. Since there are 11 dyeing and weaving crafts it could be called "Treasure house of dyeing and weaving culture". It is considered that 11th century songs Kamiuta ("hymn of praise to God") existed in every place of Okunawa are the roots of new trends in arts that revives old traditions.
(The information is taken from Okinawa Sightseeing web site "Okinawa monogatari")