Plan・room details・to reservation~1 night 2 meals

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Hyper Resort Villa Shionoe Review average[3.9Point]:

With breakfast With dinner

1 night 2 meals <Select Japanese-Western Course> Selected dinner which Japanese and Western chefs compete with each other

Plan information

  • Select dinner (example)
  • Select dinner (example)
PriorPrior credit settlement
"Jimi Shinzui" where the original strength of land, river, and sea are brought out. The appeal of Villa Shionoe is our luxurious "new natural cooking".
We serve the best of the season of your visit to for you to fully savor.
Enjoy course-meals where the true flavors of the ingredients are brought out to the fullest.
※Photo is an example. Dishes will change according to the season.
Dinner: Enjoy a select course-meal at our restaurant

※Meals may be partially changed to set-meals on Saturadays/day before holidays
※Saturday/day before holiday hours are divided between first and later halves.
・Please choose either First half: 5pm-7pm, Later half: 7:30pm-9:30pm
(Depending on the number of guests, times may be changed, or desired times may become unavailable)

Breakfast: Enjoy our pride Japanese-Western buffet at a light lake-view restaurant.
(Depending on the number of guests, meals may be served as set-meals)

Child, bed-sharing rate

age 10-12
age 6-9
Infant 0-5(with food and bedding)
Infant 0-5(with food)
Infant 0-5(without food and bedding)

Cancellation policy

Cancellation fee will not be charged if cancelled on or before [23:59 of 4 days prior to accommodation]
20% of accommodation fee will be charged as cancellation fee if cancelled not later than [00:00 of 3 days prior to accommodation]
50% of accommodation fee will be charged as cancellation fee if cancelled not later than [00:00 of the day before accommodation]
100% cancellation fee will be charged of non-arrival client or no show without notice.

※The Japan time zone (GMT + 9) will be applied.

Room information

  • Japanese-Western style room 】capacity four people】
  • Japanese-Western style room 】capacity four people】
2 beds and tatami space 4 guest capacity【Japanese-Western Room B (smoke-free)】
Non-smoking room
This room is smoke free. Room type: Japanese-Western room (with bath, toilet), room capacity 2-4 guests, 35-44 square meters, 2 beds, 2 begging sets, bed size 1100mm width x 2000mm length, shower toilet, digital terrestrial broadcasting (DTB), hot water dispenser, empty refrigerator, hair dryer eqiup
  • Non-smoking room
Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator
Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Washroom
Modular bath Hair dryer Tea set
Humidifier (rental) Face towel Bath towel
Shaving razor Toothbrush set Hairbrush
Makeup cotton Slippers Kids' toothbrush

Hotel access map

From Osaka Approximately 40 minutes Takamatsu Chuo IC - Route 193
From Okayama Approximately 45 minutes Takamatsu Nishi IC - Kendo 12 - Route 193
Other than car/approximately 25 minutes from Takamatsu Airport by taxi

Change conditions, re-estimate

Reservation conditions

Number of people/Number of Rooms
Adult 2People  Child 0People  1Room
Accommodation room
2 beds and tatami space 4 guest capacity【Japanese-Western Room B (smoke-free)】


Change conditions, re-estimate

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Hyper Resort Villa Shionoe
Address 688-1, Shionoechokaminishiotsu, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa
Access From Osaka Approximately 40 minutes Takamatsu Chuo IC - Route 193
From Okayama Approximately 45 minutes Takamatsu Nishi IC - Kendo 12 - Route 193
Other than car/approximately 25 minutes from Takamatsu Airport by taxi
TEL/FAX TEL:087-893-1111  FAX:087-893-1192
Parking lot Available (free) ※Free parking-lot with 60 car capacity ※Please be aware, our hotel does not have a roofed parking-lot
Courtesy bus Pickup and drop-off available (conditions apply)

※We will pickup and drop-off from Takamatsu Airport, Kotoden Bus Shionoe Line [Shionoe] Station. Please notify ahead of time.
Total guest rooms 57 rooms
Check-in 15:00 ~ 19:30
Check-out 11:00

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free WiFi Free parking lot Outdoor pool (open in summer) Large communal bath Shop, convenience store Restaurant・Dining room Various massage services (paid service) Vending machine Launderette PC corner We accept FAX Shuttle bus Game corner Smoking area Pet friendly
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Washroom Modular bath Hair dryer Tea set Humidifier (rental)
Amenities common for all rooms Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Hairbrush Makeup cotton Slippers Kids' toothbrush

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
Barrier-free services ・Food allergy (reservation required)
Other notices Gates close at 11pm.
Separate bathing fee will be necessary (150 yen per person)
We will have ready bath towels and hand towels according to the number of guests. For extras, please use our towel rental (300 yen)