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Yunogo OnsenHotels nearby [ Nov 23,2024 1 Night 1 Room Adult 2 People ]

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Yunogo Onsen
Yunogo Onsen
Yunogo Onsen is one of "Okayama Prefecture Mimasaka Santou (Three Main Hot Springs of Mimasaka)", a leading Ideyu no Sato (Countryside of Hot Water) among the Chugoku Region. A nationally well-known hot spring with a long history, it is said that 1200 years ago during the Heian Period, a white egret lead Jikakutai-Ennin-Houshi to the place, thus receiving its byname "Spring of Egrets". The hot springs contains sodium and calcium chloride, which work well on such conditions as digestive disease, nerve pain, arthritis, anemia, female disorders, and skin diseases. There is Yunogo Onsen Town, the quietly flowing Yoshino River, and in the distance, "Oyama Tenbodai (Observatory)" which gives you a view beyond the highest mountains in Okayama, Ushiroyama, Nagizan, and Tsuyama Bonchi. A beautiful sea of clouds appears early morning. A hot-spring of cure in the beginning, it became a lively onsen town, and is now turning into a health resort as a center of leisure and sports.