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Okutsu OnsenHotels nearby [ Aug 27,2024 1 Night 1 Room Adult 2 People ]

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Okutsu Onsen
Okutsu Onsen
"Okutsu Onsen" as one of "Mimasaka Santou" (the "Three Hot Springs of Mimasaka"), is excellent for skin beauty. A therapeutic bath that dates back to the Edo Period, the alkaline simple spring containing skin lightening elements is nationally famous as a “spring of beauty” that turns your skin light and smooth, as well as benefit such conditions as joint pain, skin disease, arthritis. Even today, refined long-standing inns line the area, holding events such as "Ashibumi Sentaku (Laundering Stomping Feet)" at the open-air bath. "Ashibumi Sentaku" is held every Sunday and holiday from Late March~Early December at 8:30am, lasting for about 15 minutes.