Special historical site former Shizutani SchoolList of hotels nearby - Okayamahotel reservationOTS

Special historical site former Shizutani SchoolHotels nearby [ Nov 23,2024 1 Night 1 Room Adult 2 People ]

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Special historical site former Shizutani School
Special historical site former Shizutani School
Former Shizutani School was a motive power of modernization. It was build by Tada Tsudanaga under the order of feudal lord of Okayama Tsumasa Ikedami and at present this is the oldest in the world public school school for common people. There are a lot of important cultural properties near the former Shizutani School, and you can deeply investigate about the state of this region. In addition, camphor tree planted by Showa emperor know also as "Heart tree" is popular among many visitors as view spot. This place was designated as "Japan Heritage" twice in April 2015 and April 2017.