Goyah-so Villa style Minsyuku - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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Goyah-so Villa style Minsyuku Review average[4.6Point]: Licensed-number:14-11

Address:1-5-32 Goya, Okinawa-shi, Okinawa
Parking lot:Free parking for 4 cars is available. First-come-first-served
Goyah-so Villa style Minsyuku
This is a hotel in old Japanese-style house with traditional Okinawan tiles
The 50-year-old private house with a tiled roof retains the style of a traditional Okinawan private house, but uses modern concrete for the outer walls and other parts to increase its resistance to typhoons.
The appearance that has endured the fierce typhoons and summer heat of Okinawa for 50 years is the product of the wisdom of Okinawans.
Japanese-style superior room
Japanese-style superior room
You can relax in the large space of 2 Japanese-style rooms 4.5 tatami mats (6.8 ㎡) each. Capacity is 6 people.
Standard Japanese-style room
Standard Japanese-style room
Japanese-style room separated by sliding doors and with futon laid out. Capacity is 3 people
Western-style room with beds
Western-style room with beds
This is a wooden room with 2 single beds just after renewal in January 2018. We prepare 2 futons as extra bedding. Capacity is 4 people
Beautiful and clean kitchen. Refrigerator and microwave oven are available and tableware with kitchen utensils are arranged. You can cook for yourself.
Shower room
Shower room
Shower room with the feeling of cleanness. Feel relieved watching picture of Mount Fuji.
Bar counter
Bar counter
We are performing a sanshin live under the shimmering lanterns. Group customers can enjoy BBQ with fun (negotiable)
Parking (free)
Parking (free)
Parking lots are a burden for guest and guest houses in urban areas.
There are a total of 4 parking lots in front of the inn and in the vicinity, which can be used free of charge.
Made of Ryukyu glass sign is greeting our guests. It shines vividly illuminated at night.
Wi-Fi is available.
Wi-Fi is available.
Please use it for laptops, tablets, and smartphones with built-in wireless LAN.

Change conditions

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Room type(1Results)

Hotel access map

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Goyah-so Villa style Minsyuku
Address 1-5-32 Goya, Okinawa-shi, Okinawa
Access 50 minutes by car from Naha Airport / Nearest: Okinawa Expressway Okinawa South Interchange / Bus "Kamara" bus stop
Map code: 33621026*52
TEL/FAX TEL:050-1205-2758  FAX:098-929-2758
Parking lot Free parking for 4 cars is available. First-come-first-served
Total guest rooms 3 rooms
Check-in 16:00 ~ 20:00
Check-out 11:00

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free WiFi Vending machine Free parking lot All non-smoking rooms Kitchen Kitchen utensil, tableware Washing machine BBQ garden
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Face towel Bath towel Toothbrush set

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
Other notices This accommodation facility is an old folk house, the rooms are divided only by bran and board walls. Therefore, the sound of the next room may be heard.
Since the neighborhood is a residential area, please refrain from chatting on the terrace or outdoors after 11 pm. Also, please refrain from playing musical instruments or banqueting loudly indoors.
There is no curfew after check-in. Please be quiet when entering and exiting at night.