Hotel & Restaurant On the Beach Lue - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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Hotel & Restaurant On the Beach Lue Review average[4Point]: Licensed-number:北保1086

Address:2626-1 Sakimotobu, Motobu-chō, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Parking lot:Available (45 cars for free) ※First-come-first-served basis
Hotel & Restaurant On the Beach Lue
Be inspired with the location! Natural beach right in front of your eyes.
Take a walk on the beach before breakfast. Look for hermit crabs with your children. Watch the sunset over the horizon, reminiscent of a movie scene. Everyone has their own way of spending.
One of the guests who stayed at the hotel said: "I was able to enter the beach at any time, and it was a very nice place to walk along the beach from the morning, read a book on the beach, soak in the water, watch the sunset, and so on." Thank you for the nice words.
From the left, it will be the "Condominium Building", "New Building Panari Building", and "Front Hotel Building".
From the left, it will be the "Condominium Building", "New Building Panari Building", and "Front Hotel Building".
Check-in is available at the "Front Hotel Building".
2018 Summer OPEN! It is "Panarikan"
2018 Summer OPEN! It is "Panarikan"
It was completed in the summer of 2018. Is a 4-story building with an elevator. With a capacity of 5 people, it is ideal for families and groups.
Condominium building from the sea side
Condominium building from the sea side
There is a windbreak between the sea and the building.
The interior of the store has an old American atmosphere. Enjoy a relaxing meal while looking out at the sea.
Setting sun over the horizon
Setting sun over the horizon
The scenery seen from the beach in front of Lue
The reception is in the restaurant of this hotel building.
The reception is in the restaurant of this hotel building.
The condominium building is located far away from here, so please check in with your large luggage in your car.

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Hotel access map

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Hotel & Restaurant On the Beach Lue
Address 2626-1 Sakimotobu, Motobu-chō, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
MAP CODE 206 707 580*51
Access About 90 minutes from Shiokawa Bus Stop No. 65, Motobu Peninsula Line (around Motobu) / Naha Airport via Okinawa Expressway (all lines), National Route 58, National Route 449
TEL/FAX TEL:0980-47-3535  FAX:0980-47-5686
Parking lot Available (45 cars for free) ※First-come-first-served basis
Total guest rooms 36 rooms
Check-in 15:00 ~ 22:00
Check-out 11:00
Check-in basic information This accommodation has a 24-hour staff available.
Luggage storage before check-in. Luggage storage is available before check-in.
Luggage storage after check out. Luggage storage is available after check out.
About the breakfast This accommodation can include breakfast if you book in advance.
Please contact us once you have completed the reservation.
About bed-sharing This accommodation is free for bed-sharing children with 0 to 5 years old.
However, the number of co-sleeping guests are limited to 1 per adult.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Beach Restaurant・Dining room Vending machine Launderette (paid service) We accept FAX BBQ garden Free WiFi Free parking lot Smoking area Kitchen All non-smoking rooms
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Modular bath Hair dryer
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Slippers

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
Barrier-free services ・Parking space for the disabled
Other notices [Amenities]
Bath towel, face towel, soap, conditioner, shampoo, toothbrush, razor, yukata (hotel type), pajamas (Panarikan)
The condominium does not come with pajamas or yukata. Please use the rental for a fee.

The restaurant is closed every Monday and Thursday. Room service is not available.

If check in time is later than 22 o'clock, please contact the hotel.

Customers who wish to have breakfast separately need to make a reservation by 21:00 the day before. Please feel free to contact us.

[Ages considered as infants]
Applicable for preschool infants (younger than elementary school children). Children are eligible for 1st to 6th grades.

3 years old or younger children are considered as infants (4-12 years old guests are considered to be children).
Thursday is a regular holiday for restaurant. We do not provide room service.
◎ Others ◎ Some information may not correspond to the precautions depending on the reservation details. In that case, the setting of each room type and accommodation plan has priority.
You can also settle EDY (no charge).