Plan・room details・to reservation~【The cheapest plan】 Relaxing stay in spacious condominium ☆ Without refund ☆【Family Room Type + 2 sofa beds [Total of 7 beds]】

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Condominium Rob Cond Review average[4Point]:

Without meals

【The cheapest plan】 Relaxing stay in spacious condominium ☆ Without refund ☆

Plan information

  • Twin room
  • Twin room
  • Family room
  • Family room
  • Group room
  • Group room
  • Twin room
  • Twin room
  • Family room
  • Family room
  • Group room
  • Group room
PriorPrior credit settlement
The most advantageous plan for 1 night or more accommodation!

Slowly flowing time of Okinawa♪ How about peaceful stay in condominium?

Kitchen, bath and toilet in the room! Just like you are actually staying in villa ☆
Fully enjoy activities and sightseeing during your stay♪
We also recommend this plan for long staying businessmans!!

★☆Recommended points of this hotel ☆★
○ For guests who search for activities
Diving・snorkekking・kayak・surfing・SUP and other options are provided (^O^)
We offer special Rob cond prices!
You can have fun even if you arrived without any schedule♪
※ We accept prior reservations for optional activities
※ Please contact us regarding the details
○ Large groups also can have fun! You can rent a party room!
○ Easy access to the airport!
○ We can keep surfboard and diving equipment the whole year on contract basis♪

☆★Sightseeing spots and access information★☆
About 1 hour and 30 minutes to Churaumi Aquarium by car using highway
About 35 minutes ride to Gyokusen caves
About 1 hour to Nago Okinawa Beer by car
About 30 minutes ride to Himeyuri Tower
About 35 minutes ride to Peace Memorial Park
Approximately 40 minutes to Southern Links by car
About 35 minutes to Ryukyu golf club by car

※※Guidance to visitor※※
Because of using locks with private numbers, we send this 4-digits number before accommodation by email to guests who settled booking in advance. Usual check in procedures are omitted and check in/check out are carried out automatically.

Hotel is located in quiet residentional area.
We provide our services with agreement to locals, therefore we kindly ask you to concern about this matter and do not makes noises or speak at loud voice after 22:00. Thank you for your cooperation.

※We are very sorry but we do not provide cleaning and bed making if you stay several nights.
Please use coin laundry on the first floor and clothes drying space in veranda.

※All rooms are non-smoking
You can smoke in veranda, please use ashtray.

[Important notices]
Check in and check out are automatical in this hotel so we send personal number by email before accommodation.
Please make sure that you can receive emails.
If you stay several nights, unfortunately we do not provide cleaning or bed making. We are sorry for this inconveniences.
All rooms are non-smoking. You can smoke in veranda, please use ashtray.
Office is located at the back side of the building. You can find our staff there from 9:00 to 18:00.
If check in time is going to be late, reservation can be cancelled. Please contact the hotel if you will be late.

Child, bed-sharing rate

Infant 0-5(without food and bedding)

Cancellation policy

In case of cancellation after the reservation is completed, 100% is charged as cancelation fee.
100% cancellation fee will be charged of non-arrival client or no show without notice.

※The Japan time zone (GMT + 9) will be applied.

Room information

  • Spacious bright and cozy atmosphere you can relax in.
  • Spacious bright and cozy atmosphere you can relax in.
  • Spacious bright and cozy atmosphere you can relax in.
  • 5 beds + 2 sofa beds
  • This room has a kitchen facilities so you can throw a house party in Okinawa!!
  • Stylish and comfortable bathtub.
  • Stylish and comfortable bathtub.
  • Washstand
  • Spacious bright and cozy atmosphere you can relax in.
  • Spacious bright and cozy atmosphere you can relax in.
  • Spacious bright and cozy atmosphere you can relax in.
  • 5 beds + 2 sofa beds
  • This room has a kitchen facilities so you can throw a house party in Okinawa!!
  • Stylish and comfortable bathtub.
  • Stylish and comfortable bathtub.
  • Washstand
Family Room Type + 2 sofa beds [Total of 7 beds]
Rare in hotel business room for large number of guests!!
Spacious room of 56 ㎡.
It can accommodate up to 7 people, both in groups and families.
You can also have a home party in Okinawa because the kitchen facilities are well equipped!
We have prepared all the necessary cooking utensils and tableware, so you can prepare your own meals in your room.
  • Non-smoking room
  • Internet connection in the room
Free Wi-Fi TV Satellite broadcasting
DVD player Wired internet Refrigerator
Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Washroom
Washing machine Washlet toilet Hair dryer
Shampoo Conditioner Body soap
Face towel Bath towel Toothbrush set
Slippers Kitchen Cooking equipments
Crockery tableware Rice cooker Microwave oven

Hotel access map

1 station from Naha airport by Yui rail, 8 minutes walk from Akamine station.
10 minutes ride from the airport by car.

Change conditions, re-estimate

Reservation conditions

Number of people/Number of Rooms
Adult 2People  Child 0People  1Room
Accommodation room
Family Room Type + 2 sofa beds [Total of 7 beds]


Change conditions, re-estimate

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Condominium Rob Cond
Address 3-16-53, Uebaru, Naha-shi, Okinawa
Access 1 station from Naha airport by Yui rail, 8 minutes walk from Akamine station.
10 minutes ride from the airport by car.
TEL/FAX TEL:098-987-1176  FAX:098-987-1237
Parking lot 7 free parking spaces (no reservation required). [First-come-first-served basis]
Total guest rooms 7 rooms
Check-in 15:00 ~ 23:00
Check-out 10:00
Check-in basic information This accommodation staff operates between 09:00 and 18:00.
This accommodation has only self check-in system.
Other Check-in notes ※※ Information to customers ※※
The hotel uses a PIN code for customers who have paid in advance.
We send you an email prior to your stay and allow you to choose a 4-digit PIN.
We perform automatic check-in and automatic check-out.
※※ Please enter the correct email address when making a reservation ※※
About the breakfast This accommodation does not provide breakfast service.
About bed-sharing This accommodation is free for bed-sharing children with 0 to 5 years old.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Vending machine Launderette (paid service) PC corner We are belonging to kitchen in all rooms Washing machine Smoking area Free WiFi Kitchen Kitchen utensil, tableware Clothing dryer Delivery service Marine sports shop Free parking lot All non-smoking rooms
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Satellite broadcasting DVD player (rental) Wired internet Refrigerator Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Washroom Washlet toilet Hair dryer Cooking equipments Crockery tableware Rice cooker Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Toothbrush set Slippers

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
Other notices The hotel has automatic check-in and automatic check-out, and we will inform you of your PIN by e-mail before your stay.
Please make sure that you can receive emails.
Check-in time is always available after 15:00. [No procedure required for pre-payment reservations]
Check-out time is until 10:00.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not clean the rooms or make beds. Please understand.
All rooms are non-smoking. Smoking is available on the balcony, please use the ashtray.
The office is behind the building. The staff only stays from 9:00 to 18:00.