Kariyushi Condominium Resort Onna Yuudekiya - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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Kariyushi Condominium Resort Onna Yuudekiya Review average[4.6Point]: Licensed-number:H27-28

Address:2288-30 Nakama, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Parking lot:Parking lot for 3 cars available, reservation not necessary
Kariyushi Condominium Resort Onna Yuudekiya
It is located in Kibogaoka district of Okinawa resort area with pensions and rental vacation cottages standing in line.
It is about 20 minutes to reach seashore. This lodge-looking facility with large bedding space on the second floor is suitable for large number of guests stay. Up to 10 adults and 3 bed-sharing guests can be accommodated in this condominium. It is an inn that boasts of being able to accommodate a large number of people.
Attractive house looking like mountain hut or lodge.
Attractive house looking like mountain hut or lodge.
With 2 ground floors, 1 underground floor and area of 241㎡ this large condominium can accommodate big 3-generations family, sport training camp or group of friends!
Spacious living-dining on the 1st floor.
Spacious living-dining on the 1st floor.
How about spending a lively time in the spacious living-dining room with a dining table and sofa set in the kitchen equipped with cooking utensils and tableware?
The 2nd floor bedroom
The 2nd floor bedroom
Relax in the warm wooden bedroom with 2 double beds.
Washroom and bathroom.
Washroom and bathroom.
Shower is available not only in main bathroom.
Natural beach near the entrance of Kibogaoka area with high transparency waters.
Natural beach near the entrance of Kibogaoka area with high transparency waters.
Natural beach near the entrance of Kibogaoka area is in 20 minutes from Yuudekiya.
In addition, there is a beach under hotel's management located in several minutes ride. Enjoy sea activities in various places.
Tatami space on the 2nd floor.
Tatami space on the 2nd floor.
Large space where 8 futons can be disposed. Sports training camp or group of visitor can be accommodated here.
Playground in the basement
Playground in the basement
According to its name playground in the basement is equipped with billiards, ping-pong table and retro jukebox.
You can go to this barbecue terrace directly from the living room.
You can go to this barbecue terrace directly from the living room.
Since we have American style barbecue stove, feel free to vividly enjoy barbecue.

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Room type(1Results)

Hotel access map

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel Kariyushi Condominium Resort Onna Yuudekiya
Address 2288-30 Nakama, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Access About 1 hour and 20 minutes from Naha Airport via the Okinawa Expressway.
TEL/FAX TEL:098-967-7112  FAX:098-967-7113
Parking lot Parking lot for 3 cars available, reservation not necessary
Courtesy bus Unavailable
Total guest rooms 1 house
Check-in 15:00 ~ 20:00
Check-out 10:00
Check-in basic information This accomodation's staff is not present 24h.
This accommodation has only self check-in system.
Other Check-in notes ■ For accommodating guests
This facility does not have staff resident. Please check the following items.

1. About reservation
After the reservation is made we will provide information within 2 business days.

2. About check-in
It is conducted at the front desk of the affiliated hotel "Okinawa Kariyushi Urban Resort Naha " in Naha city.
Please inform us about the time of your arrival.
※Check-in hours: 9:30-20:00 (you can use the facility after 15:00)

【Contact information】
Okinawa Kariyushi Urban Resort Naha
Address: 3-25-1 Maejima, Naha-shi, Okinawa 900-0016
(〒900-0016 沖縄県那覇市前島3-25-1)
MAP CODE:33 187 338*65

Please contact us as follows if you do not receive an information email.
【Contact information】
Luggage storage before check-in. Luggage storage is Not available before check-in.
Luggage storage after check out. Luggage storage is Not available after check-out.
About the breakfast This accommodation does not provide breakfast service.
About bed-sharing This accommodation is free for bed-sharing children with 0 to 6 years old.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free parking lot Kitchen Kitchen utensil, tableware Washing machine Free WiFi All non-smoking rooms Clothing dryer
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Electronic hot pot Washroom Washing machine Modular bath Washlet toilet Hair dryer Cooking equipments Crockery tableware Rice cooker Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Hairbrush Slippers

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
    credit card is not available when you pay at the hotel
Other notices ■ Since staff is not present at the hotel please follow the rules below
・Please be sure to come within the check-in time. (last time 20:00)
※Check-in location may change, please check the guidance email from the facility
・We do not accept reservations from groups consisting only from minor guests
・Please refrain from speaking loud or making loud sounds as some residents are in the neighborhood.
・We do not provide luggage custody service (including sending luggage before check-in, after check-out, etc.)