Setonaikai National Park KankakeiList of hotels nearby - KagawaHotel reservationOTS

Setonaikai National Park KankakeiHotels nearby [ May 24,2024 1Night 1Room Adult2People ]

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Setonaikai National Park Kankakei
Setonaikai National Park Kankakei
"Kankakei" is marked with 1 star as one of 3 great places of scenic beauty in Japan in Michelin Gren guide Shikoku. It is a picturesque place that Shodoshima is proud of. Changing over time and seasons canyon with fresh verdure in the beginning of summer, summer blue, painted in flame-alike colors of autumn leaves the whole mountain in late autumn, and monotone winter unintentionally attracts your attention. Mountain climbing road that lets you fully enjoy nature of Kankakei is also available, so it is also possible to enjoy hiking.