La Hacienda Marina Bay Chatan - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

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La Hacienda Marina Bay Chatan Licensed-number:第H30-42号

Address:Room 203, 2nd floor, 2-6-2 Mihama, Chatan-cho, Okinawa
Parking lot:Parking available
La Hacienda Marina Bay Chatan

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Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel La Hacienda Marina Bay Chatan
Address Room 203, 2nd floor, 2-6-2 Mihama, Chatan-cho, Okinawa
Access About 45 minutes by car from Naha Airport.
TEL/FAX TEL:098-923-5555  FAX:098-860-5562
Parking lot Parking available
Total guest rooms 1 room
Check-in 15:00 ~ 22:00  ※Please contact the accommodation facility in advance if it's past 17:45
Check-out 10:00
Check-in basic information This accommodation has only self check-in system.
You will receive an information email about check-in details from the accomodation 2 days before the check-in day.
Luggage storage before check-in. Luggage storage is Not available before check-in.
Luggage storage after check out. Luggage storage is Not available after check-out.
About the breakfast This accommodation does not provide breakfast service.
About bed-sharing This accommodation is free for bed-sharing children with 0 to 5 years old.
However, the number of co-sleeping guests are limited to 2 person(s) per room.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Washing machine Kitchen utensil, tableware Kitchen Free WiFi Free parking lot Clothing dryer All non-smoking rooms
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Washroom Hair dryer Kitchen Cooking equipments Microwave oven
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Slippers

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight