Plan・room details・to reservation~【Villa Twin Room (2 queen beds, with kitchen, sea side)【Non-smoking】】

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THE PERIDOT Smart Hotel Tancha Ward Review average[4.1Point]:

With breakfast With dinner

Plan information

Reception period : 2024-1-23 ~ 2027-1-23

PriorPrior credit settlement

Child, bed-sharing rate

age 10-12
Of adult rate70%
age 6-9
Of adult rate70%
Infant 0-5(without food and bedding)

Cancellation policy

Cancellation fee will not be charged if cancelled on or before [23:59 of 4 days prior to accommodation]
30% of accommodation fee will be charged as cancellation fee if cancelled not later than [00:00 of 3 days prior to accommodation]
50% of accommodation fee will be charged as cancellation fee if cancelled not later than [00:00 of the day before accommodation]
100% of accommodation fee will be charged as cancellation fee if cancelled not later than [00:00 of the day of accommodation]
100% cancellation fee will be charged of non-arrival client or no show without notice.

※The Japan time zone (GMT + 9) will be applied.

Room information

  • Annex beach side villa
◆We accept check-in in main building.
Beach side villa becomes annex. (located in the place of one minute by 6-minute walk, car from main building)
  • Annex beach side villa
◆We accept check-in in main building.
Beach side villa becomes annex. (located in the place of one minute by 6-minute walk, car from main building)
Villa Twin Room (2 queen beds, with kitchen, sea side)【Non-smoking】
Check-in is accepted at the main building.
The beachside villa is an annex.
* All rooms are non-smoking rooms. Please smoke at the designated place in the building *
■ Twin room with 2 queen beds (queen bed size: width 160 cm x length 200 cm)
■ 37 ㎡ where you can relax slowly
It can be widely used with families, couples, and friends.
■ With kitchenette
■ There is a window that goes directly from the room to the beach
■ Capacity up to 4 people
* Only the above two beds are available for 3 or more people. Beds cannot be added.
* There is no room wear (pajamas) for children.
* There are no fixed telephones (extensions / outside lines) in the guest rooms.
  • Non-smoking room
  • Internet connection in the room
  • Free WiFi
Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator
Air-conditioner Safety-deposit box Electronic hot pot
Air purifier Washroom Washlet toilet
Hair dryer Tea set Humidifier
Shampoo Conditioner Body soap
Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor
Toothbrush set Hairbrush Makeup cotton
Nightwear Slippers Sleeping goods (duvet style)
Kitchen Microwave oven

Hotel access map

Approximately 70 minutes from Naha airport (in case of using toll road), 10 minutes from Ishikawa IC.
Map code 206 159 441

Change conditions, re-estimate

Reservation conditions

Number of people/Number of Rooms
Adult 1People  Child 0People  1Room
Accommodation room
Villa Twin Room (2 queen beds, with kitchen, sea side)【Non-smoking】

2 Queen bed(160×200cm/ each bed size)クイーンベッド

※Here we are indicating the maximum availability of beds, but actually the number of beds will correspond according to the numberof guests in the reservation. Please note that there is no bedding available for co-sleeping child.


Change conditions, re-estimate

Basic information of the hotel

Basic information

Name of the Hotel THE PERIDOT Smart Hotel Tancha Ward
Address 1092-1, Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
MAP CODE 206 159 441
Access Approximately 70 minutes from Naha airport (in case of using toll road), 10 minutes from Ishikawa IC.
Map code 206 159 441
TEL/FAX TEL:098-927-1100  FAX:098-927-1110
Parking lot Available. 500 yen per 1 night. Reservation is not necessary
Courtesy bus Unavailable
Total guest rooms 26 rooms
Check-in 15:00 ~ 20:30  ※Please contact the accommodation facility in advance if it's past 20:30
Check-out 11:00
Luggage storage before check-in. Please contact the accommodation.
Luggage storage after check out. Please contact the accommodation.
About bed-sharing This accommodation is free for bed-sharing children with 0 to 6 years old.
However, the number of co-sleeping guests are limited to 1 per adult.

Facilities and amenities common for all rooms

Facilities・Services Free WiFi Restaurant・Dining room Vending machine We accept FAX Delivery service Smoking area Washing machine Clothing dryer All non-smoking rooms Various massage services (paid service) Free parking lot
Facilities common for all rooms Free Wi-Fi TV Refrigerator Air-conditioner Safety-deposit box Electronic hot pot Air purifier Washroom Washlet toilet Hair dryer Tea set Humidifier Sleeping goods (duvet style) Baby crib (rental, reservation required)
Amenities common for all rooms Shampoo Conditioner Body soap Face towel Bath towel Shaving razor Toothbrush set Hairbrush Makeup cotton Nightwear Slippers

Important notices

Acceptable Cards
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
  • american-express-straight
Barrier-free services ・Accessible toilet・Wheelchair accessible・Parking space for the disabled・Accessible guest room
Other notices ※ If check-in time passes it may be considered as cancellation so please contact the accommodation facility if you are late.
※ Use of more than the capacity of each room is prohibited by the public health department
※ Parking fees can only be paid in cash.
※ We do not accept reservations for parking lots. 500 yen per car per night (tax included)