Festival of fire and bells in Mabuni - OkinawaHotel reservationOTS

Festival of fire and bells in Mabuni

 Event date
 Event place
Okinawa Peace Hall (Peace Memorial Park)
A lot of people gather in Okinawa Peace Hall at new year's eve to see off past year with peace and meet the new year. Through this festival as a symbol of peace, a prosecution between misery of war and grandeur of peace.

Dates: December 31st (Sun) 2017 22:00 ~ January 1st (Mon) 1:00 (holiday)
Venue: Okinawa Peace Hall (Peace Memorial Park)
Address: Okinawa, Itoman city, Mabuni 448-1
Inquiries: Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Okinawa. Administrative office of Okinawa Peace Hall 098-997-3011
Fee: free entrance
Capacity of parking: 154 cars