Bells on New Year's Eve (Shurikannondo) - OkinawaHotel reservationOTS

Bells on New Year's Eve (Shurikannondo)

 Event date
 Event place
3-1 Shuriyamagawachō, Naha-shi, Okinawa
Shurikannondo in Naha city is one of 12 places that protect Okinawa from Ryukyu Dynasty. This is the first on Okinawa sacred place of Kannon belief with Senju Kannon Bosatsu ("Thousand-Armed Kannon"). On new year's eve Buddhist memorial services are carried out and worshipers on new year's eve can ring the bell for free.

Payment: free

Address: 3-1 Shuriyamagawachō, Naha-shi, Okinawa

Public transportation: 20 minute walk from Yui rail's (Okinawa monorail) Shuri Castle station

Car: 3 km (10 minutes) from Naha IC on Okinawa Expressway via prefectural route 82・29・50

Parking: available for 60 cars, free