August Dance - Okinawahotel reservationOTS

August Dance

 Event date
 Event place
Ntabaru Ugan, Pitumata Ugan
This is a harvest festival of Terama island held for 3 days from 8th day of 8th month of lunar calendar.

Date and time: Monday, September 17 ~ Wednesday, September 19, 2018, from 10:00 to about 20:00
Place: Ntabaru Ugan, Pitumata Ugan
Address: Tarama village, Miyako District, Okinawa
Inquiries: Tarama Village Office Sightseeing Promotion Division 0980-79-2260
Charge: free admission
Parking space: parking available
Comments: [Event contents]
Tarama island is divided into 2 villages: Nakasuji on the west and Shiokawa on the east side. On the first day of August Dance people from Shiokawa are being invited to Nakasuji, and on the 2nd day people of Shiokawa invites people to Nakasuji. On the 3rd day of "Farewell" entertainments are performed in both villages separately.