Ijimachupanja Festival 2018 - OkinawaHotel reservationOTS

Ijimachupanja Festival 2018

 Event date
 Event place
Ie-son farm village environment improvement center
"Ijimachupanya Festival 2018" does village industry Festival, hibiscus Festival, lifelong learning Festival with joint holding and performs pressed flower classroom and textile classroom using hibiscus, cultivation class. As various events and eating and drinking tenants open a store by industry Festival, we look forward to visit.

The holding date and time: Sunday, December 9, 2018 planned held place: Ie-son farm village environment improvement center
Address:75, Higashiegami, Ie-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa inquiry: Ie Vil Office agriculture and forestry Marine Products Section 0980-49-3161
Price: No charge for admission
Parking lot: None